
  • Orange Blossom

    Orange Blossom

    Bitter orange, also known as bigarade orange, is the only tree to have leaves, fruit, and flowers at the same time. In Morocco, the flowers are hand-picked when they first blossom at the end of April or the start of May. All parts of the plant have medicinal properties but numerous cultures use the water extracted from its flowers, called neroli floral water. It is collected when the essential oil is gently extracted by steam distillation.

    This highly-perfumed floral water is renowned for promoting sleep (in Europe, a few drops are often put in hot milk in the evening), adding flavor when cooking (you can spot its smell in numerous patisseries) or even preparing the famous Lebanese white coffee (it is diluted in sweetened hot water to make the most of its digestive properties).

    It is used in cosmetics due to its numerous qualities. It is soothing, lightening due to a bioflavonoid it contains, antimicrobial, and even capable of boosting cellular cohesion.

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  • Honey


    People have been using honey since the dawn of time, and it has always had a special character and status. Olympians drink ambrosia – a mixture of milk and honey. Since ancient times, Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians have been eating honey and using it to treat wounds and burns and make the skin more beautiful. We have always been aware of its regenerating and antiseptic properties, but they are now also scientifically recognized.

    It can be used pure or as an extract in cosmetics to make the most of its numerous detoxifying, softening, and regenerating properties and the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids it contains.

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